No division into age classes.
1. Petanque is a sport in which:
a) 2 players play against 2 players – Doubles. Each player uses three boules.
b) 3 players play against 3 players – Triples. Each player uses two boules.
2. The game is played on any ground with dimensions 4 x 15 meter. Variation down to 3 x 12 meter is allowable.
1. The tournament will be held under the ABC Pool/CUP system to
even out differences in strength between the participating teams.
2. a) The double/triple which has won the most games is the winner.
b) The double/triple is ranked in each pool on points, so that the double/triple with most points is no. 1 and the next best team is no. 2 etc.
* If 2 doubles/triples are tied, the games they have played together decide the result.
* If the teams are still tied, the team with the biggest difference between games won and games lost and then the biggest score, is the winner.
1. The game is generally played up to 13 points, but pool games maybe played to 11 points.
1. Unless otherwise specified, the rules of the International Petanque Federation apply.
2. Even a referee must apply the international rules.
3. Detailed game rules are published in the tournament programme.
Sports facility Jaume Mesquida
The Balearic Federation of petanque is headquartered in the Jaume Mesquida facility. This is a fantastic space to practice this sport, where they can play up to 30 simultaneous games. The facilities have an area of stands, changing rooms and toilets, and a cafeteria.
C/ Sant Ignasi 81
07008 Palma – Illes Balears
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